Canada’s latest Category-based selection draw for Transport occupations 

Canada latest transport draw

What is the Category-based draw? 

The Category-based draw is Canada’s answer to its workforce shortage in certain professions. It will provide a pathway to permanent residency for skilled candidates in critical fields. 

These draws will only invite candidates from the IRCC’s Express Entry pool based on their skill, training or language proficiency. 

So far, the US has designated 6 categories that will be the basis for its Category-based selection, namely: 

  • French language proficiency 
  • Healthcare occupations 
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Math occupations 
  • Trade professions 
  • Transport professions 
  • Agriculture and agri-food occupations 

The need for Category-based draws 

The Category-based draws will help to: 

  • Promote Canada’s overall growth 
  • Empower Canadian businesses 
  • Address Labour shortages 
  • Strengthen French-speaking communities 

Why the need for more Transport workers? 

The Transport sector is one of several sectors facing labour shortages in Canada. According to the Conference Board of Canada, elevated labour shortages in this sector directly cost over $1.3 billion in 2022. 

Industry estimates have also projected the labour shortages to increase in the foreseeable future, from 25,000 to 55,600 by 2023-2035, impacting related sectors like manufacturing, agriculture and natural resources. 

According to Statistics Canada, there were 149,710 job vacancies in the Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations in the second quarter of 2023. 

Measures to remedy the labour shortage in the Transport sector 

Transport Canada has already taken some baby steps to address the problem. Among them, TC negotiated agreements to recognize foreign-issued certificates for seafarers, allowing them to work in Canada. 

The Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program (SWSP) also provided $46.3M to Trucking HR Canada to support the recruitment, training and onboarding of 1,400 new truck drivers and other occupations within the trucking sector. 

The recent Category-based draws for Transport occupations will also provide a much-needed impetus for the sector’s growth. 

Eligible occupations for the Category-based Transport draw 

The eligible occupations for this draw were as follows: 

Occupations 2021 NOC Code 2021 TEER Category 
Aircraft assemblers and assembly inspectors  
Transport truck drivers  
Railways traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators 72604 
Engineer officers, water transport 72603 
Deck officers 72602 
Air traffic controllers 72601 
Pilots, flight engineers and instructors 72600 
Aircraft mechanics and inspectors 72404 
Railway carmen/women 72403 
Managers in transportation 70020 

The recent Express Entry draw for Transport workers 

On September 18th, the IRCC announced its first category-based selection for newcomers with previous work experience in the transport sector. 

The draw saw over 1,000 candidates invited to apply for permanent residency with a minimum CRS score of 435. 

Janggoulal Sitlhou

Janggoulal Sitlhou

Janggoulal Sitlhou is a content writer with SettleCanada. He is a Political Sciences graduate and a keen follower of international affairs and contemporary history. He has a background in publishing and regularly dabbles in writing and game development projects. Janggoulal currently writes on issues related to Canadian Immigration.